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Sunday, March 4, 2012

The IT Crowd: The Dumb Leading the Blind

After watching every British sitcom available on Netflix and turning them off in disgust after five minutes, I was beginning to think that the watchable sitcom had gone extinct in the late 20th century. Then I stumbled across The IT Crowd.

Relegated to the basement, the IT department dresses
suitably for their environment.
This show is so cynical it could turn anyone off to the business world. The show centers around two pathetically socially inept dorks, Roy and Moss, who work in the basement IT department. They are saddled with a new supervisor, Jen, who knows next to nothing about computers. She fools company head Denholm Reynholm into believing she is qualified to run the department by dropping technical terms such as 'mouse' to demonstrate her expertise. Of course, this satisfies him; he is as advanced in the hierarchy as he is incompetent. But Jen doesn't mind pretending she knows how to run the department. What businessperson would ever do that?

Ms. Handy-with-a-mouse smooth talks her way into the IT
department supervisor role - but she can't fool the nerds
The IT dorks are not as haughty as the typical elitist computer geeks. They view the constant phone calls to their department with a sort of existential desperation; rather than answering the phones they created an automated answering service to remind callers to turn on their computers, which solves their technical issue 99% of the time.

I was impressed by Graham Linehan's writing of The IT Crowd. This show actually challenged my dismal outlook on the state of comedy.

Rejected by every female they encounter and unappreciated by management, I think we can all relate to the cast of The Crowd. Wait, you can too, right?


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